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Say It Loud Film Festival at The Peale

Say It Loud Film Festival at The Peale

Join us for a film festival that features numerous short films and live spoken-word performances. Door open at 5:30pm.

As storytellers, we believe that words have the power to transform life and the world we live in. At the Say It Loud Film Festival, we celebrate music, poetry and short films that speak the language of courage, compassion and authenticity. Our intention is simple: unite, engage and inspire artists and audience members all over the world through one common goal – Transform the narrative of pop culture. Say It Loud takes place during the springtime in West Baltimore and during Artscape on the 52’ tall LED Baltimore digital billboard. It is a showcase of local poets, local musicians, and both local/international short films. It is free to attend and open to the public. Learn more about the entire program.

Performances start at 6:00. They include Iyana Elmore, a young dancer from the Fearless Dance Empire; Talbot Johnson (aka Bolt3000), an artist; and Slam Poets: A’niya Taylor, Obsidian & Slangston Hughes.

The short film In Freedom’s Name (34 minutes) will be screened after the performances, followed by 10 additional short films that total roughly 2 hours.

Event Contact

Nancy Proctor

Event Details

Friday, February 24, 2023, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM


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