Winter Soulstice: Yoga, Live Music, Journaling, Fire Meditation Playshop Sahffi and Stephanie Snyder

Fumbling towards enlightenment, truth-seeking, masterful yoga weaver, Stephanie Snyder, leads this class with heart soul and radical embodiment! Students will explore the quiet interior of Self, as we move into winters‘ hibernation. Through movement, yoga, breathing, meditation, journaling, music and participating in playful energy, we will reflecting on ways in which we nourish to flourish. A portion of this class will be to live music with world renown medicine musician Sahffi! Sahffi will also lead us in a community song/prayer at the end.
Event Contact
Sahffi Lynne
Event Details
Saturday, December 21, 2024, 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
– $50
(410) 842-5590