Here we are nearing the end of August, taking our last break before September and gearing up for the fall roller coaster of activities and responsibilities. Over the summer, I have particularly valued the work of a few bloggers from around the country. Here (in no particular order) are a few that have spurred our thinking at GBCA, providing new insight, perspectives, and oh, yes occasionally entertainment.
Maria Popova's Brain Pickings
Brain Pickings a free weekly interestingness digest. It comes out on Sundays and offers the week's best articles. Here's an example.
A knowledge commons by and for the theatre community.
Vu Le's Nonprofits with Balls
Hysterically funny and truthful weekly blog that frequently centers on issues of fairness and equity in the nonprofit sector as a whole.
Createquity is a research-backed investigation of the most important issues in the arts and is committed to helping make the arts ecosystem work better for artists and audiences by making high-value information and analysis about critical issues in our field available to current and emerging decision-makers across the sector.
Art Daily Newsletter
A national and international source of news that aims to be a meeting point for art professionals, art lovers, and those who study art.
Edited by Cara Ober, BmoreArt provides creative and critical coverage of the Baltimore cultural landscape and beyond. Daily articles are created by a team of local writers, editors, and artists who believe that Baltimore’s artists deserve to be discussed, critiqued, and informed.
Thomas Cott's You’ve Cott Mail
Now a semi-regular email blog, YCM provides an overarching digest of news on arts and culture with the contxt of specific topics.
Barry's Blog
News, advice, and opinion for the arts administrator.
Happy reading, please let us know of any other folks you think we should be following.